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Our Thoughts.

A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

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Save and Continue Feature

How to… Create WordPress Forms with Save and Continue

By Brenda Barron

Boost form conversions for longer forms with the built-in Save and Continue feature. Allow users to save their progress, and return at a later date to complete the form. Find out more…

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Introducing the Official Advanced Post Creation Add-On v1.0

By Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is excited to announce the official launch of the Advanced Post Creation Add-On. Previously in beta, Advanced Post Creation has now become a fully-fledged Gravity Forms Add-On!

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gf-Conditional Logic v1

How to… Use Conditional Logic to Create Smarter Forms

By Brenda Barron

Adding complexity to your forms doesn’t need to be a struggle, especially when you can use conditional logic within Gravity Forms. Find out more about how to use conditional logic…

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reCAPTCHA Add-On v1.1 Release

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to the Gravity Forms reCAPTCHA Add-On, which supports Google reCAPTCHA v3. With this release you will find a number of useful fixes. Find out more…

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Square Subscriptions

Starter Guide: How to Create a Subscription Form for Your Business

By Brenda Barron

Creating a subscription form for your business is a quick and easy process with Gravity Forms and Square. Find out why Gravity Forms is the right tool for the job and how to get started…

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Create a Quiz

How to… Create a Quiz for Your WordPress Website

By Brenda Barron

Think quizzes are just a fun pastime? Think again! A quiz has many benefits for your business and website, helping you to learn a lot about your audience and generate leads at the same time.

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Online Payments

How to Accept Online Payments with an Appointment Booking Form

By Gravity Forms

Are you in need of a reliable solution for accepting online payments for appointments? Then look no further, because with Gravity Forms and Simply Schedule Appointments you can do just that!

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File Upload Feature

How to… Accept File Submissions via a Form

By Megan Jones

Whether you want people to upload documents, images, audio or even videos through your forms, it is all possible with the Gravity Forms File Upload field. Find out more about this feature…

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Introducing the Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On

By Gravity Forms

Continuing our commitment to supporting our customers to combat spam form entries, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On, available with all our licenses.

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Gravity Forms 2.5.7

Brand New Release: Gravity Forms 2.5.7

By Gravity Forms

Today we are excited to announce the release of Gravity Forms 2.5.7. This latest version of Gravity Forms includes numerous additions and updates to support the recent major release of 2.5.

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Trello Add-On 2.0

Trello Add-On v2.0 Update

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to our Trello Add-On. Find out more about this latest release and how the Gravity Forms Trello Add-On can help improve and automate your workflows.

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payment form

This Month’s Featured Add-On… PayPal Checkout

By Brenda Barron

Interested in accepting online payments with Gravity Forms and PayPal? Find out more about our PayPal Checkout Add-On and get some top tips for creating effective payment forms that convert.

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